Change Is Good. (Author’s Note)


A Little Author’s Note:

So I started this blog as merely a fulfillment to an assignment for a course I’m taking on Social Media–fully intending to shut it down once the course ended and the final grades were in. However, I decided to keep it going, at least for time being.  I realized that the site could serve a two-fold purpose. Aside from the cathartic aspect and it being a great outlet to vent all my frustrations on the issues that are important to me — I  also thought that it might prove helpful in providing people with the information they need to make their own well-informed and educated opinions/decisions.

That said, you can expect to see many changes happening in the upcoming weeks–as I’ve decided to broaden the fundamental/original theme of this blog to include more than just the #BlackLivesMatter movement. The link between social media and activism has greatly expanded in recent years, with more and more people using social media to project their voices and opinions, and to lobby for change. The topics are infinite you’ll find, but some of the most popular and well-known areas of interest include legal and government, political, social, lifestyle, and environment-related reform. This blog will now touch on an array of topics, with personal insights from yours truly, article and information-sharing, with tips and links on how and where to go to get involved and do your part. So welcome! Please feel free to look around, follow, ask questions, share content and ideas, and learn about how you too, can become more socially-active, content-aware and more informed. The world is constantly changing and issues are always evolving. Do your part, get involved today!!  ~JLR~



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